Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Duck Tales... WOO-WOO!

Life is like a hurric-a-a-ane, here in Duckburg

You're welcome. Now that song's stuck in your head.

Can you say BEST. CARTOON. EVAHHH??? (Lemme hear you say it!) This week, I introduced T-Lo to the amazing world of Duckburg. This series is literally my childhood. My little bruddah and I would watch it all. the. time. It is classic!

For those of you who have never seen it... You poor, poor person.   And to you, I say, watch it! Your life will never be the same. It will be so much better! There is so much frikkin' awesome humor. I loved it as a kid, and love it even more as an adult. Best. Cartoon. Evahhh. Watch it. You'll thank me later.

Sorry I haven't written in a while... Life's been pretty busy!  I have been working on submitting my papers for an LDS Mission... and woo- hoo! They are in! I should have my call in the mail ... Today!  I have another blog with all the deets about that journey... Check it out!

Anywho... I'll write again soon!



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An Awesome Title, I'll Think Of Later


Ok. So, I just have to talk about my last post. I know. I know. I am pathetic. ;) But that's ok!! ha. So, Saturday night, my bestie came over, and we had pizza, cookie dough, and soda,. and then we played Minecraft. It was awesome. It totally felt like a post-breakup party though... Which, I suppose in it's own weird way it was. Anywho, I am back to 'normal' now, so that's good.

So, I am curious..who reads this? Is this blog basically me rambling to empty space? Which, if that is the case, I am ok with that. I see this blog as a way to talk about things I have on my mind. And if there are people who read this, then WOO HOO! Welcome to my crazy life. ;)

I think I have finally decided on what I will be posting on this blog.. It kinda started out as random feelings about Disney movies... and I think that will get pretty boring soon. And then there was my last post... Which was me venting my feelings. It was nice. So, I think I will use this as the random/interesting ideas/feelings that come into my mind... Hopefully, you lovely readers out there find something you can relate to, and whatnot.

I don't really have much else to I think this will be it for this post.


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Post-Book Trilogy Depression

Hey all!
So I haven't quite decided what I want to do with this blog... If it will be just Disney stuff... or everything and anything... But for this post, I am leaning  toward the latter ;) I just need someone to talk to!! Someone who won't be able to judge me for this post. ;) So here we go!

I recently finished a book trilogy... and now I am in the post-book depression we all love. *grr*. I hate it ha. I love reading awesome books... but I can't stand feeling the emptiness that comes after finishing them.  They were amazing books. I could read them over and over again.. They were amazing. I don't know about sharing which books they were.. because they have a certain ...stereotype... about them. I will think about it though.

Anyway... So these books... I loved them so much. And not in the way I think  know they were written. I enjoyed the literature. The story line was so fantastically written. I am getting goosebumps right now, thinking of the book. I just can't express how much I loved it. Ok. I think I will tell you which series. ... Fifty Shades. That series. Yes. I know. I hated all of the sex part, in fact, I completely skipped over it. It does not appeal to me at all. I finished the series in two days. I could not put it down! I could not believe how amazingly well this was written. I was sent on a freaking emotional roller coaster. I still am on this roller coaster. I have to repeat in my head, "It's not real. It was a book. Christian Grey is not real". *argh*.  I want to go curl up on my bed and cry.

Right now, I am listening to the music that was mentioned in the books... and it is so...calming. I love the classical pieces the most. I could listen to it all day. In fact, I might. I don't want to do anything today. I just want to go back to the world of Christian and Ana. I don't know what to do to keep myself busy.. All my friends are doing their own thing today. *gah*. I feel very alone right now.  What is wrong with me. I am starting to freaking cry .. Oh my heavens. This is worse than a break up. I suppose in it's own way, it is a break up. *ugh*

Normally, on a Saturday, such as this, I go shopping with family, and play video games with my brother and nephew. But, turns out, they have lives too! *grr*. They are at one of my brother's friend's house having a TV-show marathon. (I don't know which one). So.. Here I am, home alone... The dogs outside playing... And I have nothing to do. Except write to you lovely people... and ... and hopefully get some sort of closure. It has been so long since I have finished a series that has affected me this way... I think the last one was Harry Potter. Please, stifle the giggles. But, it's true. Harry Potter was my childhood. I had a similar experience after reading the last book, and again after the last movie.

I wish I had someone to talk to about this.. Not that I don't appreciate you lovely people... It's just... I can't have a conversation with you. I can't talk to my sisters about this.. We aren't that close. And I can't talk to my mom about it.. That's just... NO. Will not happen. And my bestie, who I am closer to than my sisters...well, she can't do anything until later. I am simply alone. Which I hate. I don't know what I am going to do! If I were a runner... I'd go for a run. Maybe I'll go for a drive. That sounds nice.. Just go and not look back! just kidding. I'll be back eventually.. but I have got to get out of this house.

Thanks for listening to me mope!
I'm going for a drive... So...

Laters baby.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Job Is Cooler Than Yours....

Hey all! Yes. My job is cooler than yours. I am a nanny. I get to spend everyday with the cutest little girl ever! And the best part??....I get to watch Disney movies with her!! Like the "classic" ones. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty... love it! Yes, I love the new Disney movies, like Frozen, Tangled, and Princess and the Frog..but the classic ones are my favorite. 

So far T and I have watched Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Tangled, Aladdin and Wreck It Ralph. Her favorite so far is Aladdin, which I think is awesome, because that was my favorite movie growing up.

I don't ever need an excuse to watch Disney movies. I watch them on my own, all the time. But it sure is a lot of fun to watch them with this little girl. She is almost two, and so she doesn't fully understand the movies, but it is cute to see what she picks out. Mostly, it is the animals... Like the "birdie" from Aladdin, and the "horsey" and "frog" (chameleon) from Tangled. But she is so cute! And she understands when something goes wrong in the movie. When this happens, she says, "ah! Oh no!" it is so adorable!!

So yes. My job is cooler than yours ;)


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Frozen **SPOILERS**

Alrighty. Frozen, Yes. I love it. It is awesome! (Hopefully those of you who are reading this have seen it... if not, stop reading!! I don't want to spoil it for you... )

Ahem... I love love LOVE that it breaks some of the Disney stereotypes. Like, the villain being a girl, the princess and the prince getting married/engaged right after meeting.... etc.  And I am so so so so happy that they had the "act of true love" be Anna saving Elsa's life, instead of the True Love's Kiss we all thought it would be. Oh my gosh. In the theater when I saw Frozen for the first time, and Hans leans in to kiss Anna so she won't have a frozen heart anymore... and then backed away ... I screamed. I screamed! I was so mad. I didn't see it coming at all. It was hilarious to hear everyone else's reactions too. There were the gasps *how dare he!!* There were other girls like me who screamed... and my most favorite, was this little girl who yelled "NO!!! HOW DARE YOU!" at the screen. It was AWESOME!

So as you can probably guess, my favorite song from Frozen is Let It Go, sung by Idina Menzel. (I don't even bother with the Demi Lovato version. It doesn't compare at all!)  I could listen to this song for hours!! *I may or may not be listening to it on repeat right now..* It is my most favorite Disney song of all time. The message it brings is wonderful! Who cares what people think or say about you? You are YOU! This reminds me of a quote from Dr. Seuss: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Throughout Elsa's life, she has been told "Don't let them in. Don't let them see. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know", well, now they know!! No point in hiding it now, and who cares what they say. She chooses to see what she can do! She know's she is not evil. She wants to see what she can create, and what she does is AMAZING! Elsa creates this marvelous ice castle. And she lets go of the girl she used to be, and shows on the outside the woman she is on the inside. *I have goosebumps just from thinking about all of this*

If you haven't seen Frozen, and decided to read this anyway.. Well, I am sorry the movie was spoiled for you.. but, go see it anyway!! You will love it. :)

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Love Mary Poppins

Earlier this week, I went and saw 'Saving Mr. Banks'. I LOVED it... So so so so so much. I totally bawled in the end. I love Mary Poppins. I always have. When I was like... 12, or 13 or so, I was on this "watch Julie Andrews movies all day every day" thing,  and I probably watched Mary Poppins like 500 times. I still love it. I could never get sick of it. And for me, seeing 'Saving Mr. Banks' allowed me to love Mary Poppins even more. (Did I think this was possible?? No.)

Today, I was watching Mary Poppins with the kiddo I nanny. She is almost two, so I knew she wasn't really going to get anything out of it, but it was fun to watch it with her. We got to the part where they are in the chalk painting, and Bert and Mary are singing to each other. This is probably my most favorite scene of the whole movie. You see how much they care for each other. Bert absolutely adores Mary Poppins. And she adores him too. "A lady needn't fear when you are near. Your sweet gentility is crystal clear, oh it's a jolly holiday with you, Bert". She loves him.

Watching this scene again made me think to myself... So some people say they want a love like Romeo and Juliet...(which I think is quite silly.. but that's a whole other story.) Or others want a love like Marshall and Lily from HIMYM... well for me, I want a love like what Mary Poppins and Bert have. They are perfect for each other. I love it so much! Bert can be completely silly, and dance with penguins, and Mary Poppins eats it up. She loves it. And the way he adores her... It is just fabulous! He is so excited to see her when she comes to the park with Jane and Micheal for the first time. Now, I know they don't necessarily end up together in the end of the film, but I like to imagine they do.  Bert knows how important helping families is to Mary Poppins. In the end of the film, Bert says "Goodbye Mary Poppins. Don't stay away too long". He wants her to help those other families, but also will miss her.  This relationship between Mary Poppins and Bert is so lovely! It is the kind of love I want to find.

Well, until next time!
